EMC Public Speaking programme is conducted in a lively and engaging manner.  Students will be taken through a wondrous journey of exploration and expression where they learn to speak/present to an audience with confidence and poise.

Students will learn about voice projection, diction and intonation by discovering their own unique voice qualities, paying attention to the fluency of their speech and getting the audience engaged.  It will also further develop students’ public speaking skills in which students will learn to communicate their ideas clearly and convincingly across a variety of contexts/media to different audience types.  They will also be introduced in the technique of presenting ideas with confidence with a slant to Speaking Good English versus Singlish.

At the end of the course, students will be familiar with:

  • ways to read and present with purpose, audience and context in mind
  • ways to expand vocabulary in spoken interaction
  • ways to respond effectively to visual stimuli using sound pedagogic framework
  • ways to elaborate on responses meaningfully
  • ways to structure persuasive and discursive topics in an organized way
  • ways to sustain spoken interaction intelligibly and effectively

The course aims to teach pupils to stand in front of an audience and deliver an effective speech or even put on an engaging theatrical production. In each session, students will also be given skill practice time to improve techniques of preparation, rehearsing and speaking. Pupils will also the acquire the skills to listen critically, effectively and efficiently, how to conduct basic but meaningful research on approved topics as well as to organize and present materials in a logical and coherent fashion.

The workshop aims to build pupils’ competency in communicating effectively and presenting ideas coherently, persuasively and confidently in front of an audience. It also aims to instill in the students an interest in speech and drama and an appreciation for the arts.