Speech and Drama

This is a practical course which aims to develop skills in the use of English confidently in speech environment and improve the speaking and articulation of everyday spoken English.


Lessons will be lively with lots of voice-projection exercises with interactive activities where pupils are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity. Music and songs, role-plays and dialogues will be incorporated.


The programme also exposes students to skits, poems, rhymes and short stories to appreciate literature and enjoy the English language through re-telling, dramatization and expressive reading.


Students are introduced to and taken through a wondrous journey of exploration and expression to get to know theatre etiquette, performance and presentational skills.  This allows students to get in touch with their feelings and provides healthy avenues for them to be able to express themselves better.


Lastly, the course aims to improve students’ social and conversational skills, language skills, creativity & lateral thinking and CONFIDENCE!